Sunday 29 September 2013

Media Campaign: The Intro to the Rant (Persuasive)

Monday Class Outline

1. Silent reading

2. Presentation of Creative Expressions

  • Remember to explain why this shows you as an individual and the process you used. 

3. Journal 

  • Use the same journal you used for the last activity (what others said about you).
  • Make sure your journal is in your NLC folder. Beth will comment on it. If you do not have comments please ensure Beth can see it.
  • Write at least 5-10 full sentences answering:
    • What was difficult or challenging about the Express Yourself activity?
    • What were you impressed by or surprised about in someone else's work?
    • Do you think you really expressed yourself to your best ability here? Why or why not?

4. Blogs

  • Take a picture, video, etc. of your creative response and post it to your blog.
  • Make sure you give it a descriptive title, labels, and write a few sentences explaining it to your readers. 
  • Write your name on the list to signify you have done this. 

5. Twitter activity

You will use Twitter to tweet out reflections from the class or share something you think others would find interesting, using the NLC twitter account as your platform.
  • Mentions
  • Hashtags
  • Pictures
  • Links
When you take your turn posting to twitter, write your name on the calendar. 
What are some examples of things we can reflect on via twitter?

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Student Created NLC Creative Expression Rubric

Follow the link to see the rubric.

Communication (EN/XXC)
Very Good
Min.  Acceptable
Finished product shows good proofreading and editing (i.e. attention to detail, and sense of individuality) (*a)
Excellent proofreading and editing. Strong attention to detail, and sense of individuality.
Good proofreading and editing. Good attention to detail and sense of individuality
Some proofreading and editing. Some attention to some detail and sense of individuality.
Limited proofreading and editing. Limited attention to detail or sense of individuality.
Plans and rehearses oral presentations (*b)
Has clearly rehearsed and has planned thoroughly.
Has planned and rehearsed oral presentation
Has somewhat planned oral presentation
Reads presentation or is “winging it.”
Uses oral communication techniques (clarity, volume, eye contact, body language shows engagement with topic and audience, monitor audience reaction) (*c)
Speaks clearly, expressively, with appropriate volume. Frequent eye contact with audience members around the room. Body language shows engagement. Monitors audience to check for understanding and make adjustments
Speaks clearly and with appropriate volume. Frequent eye contact with a few audience members. Body language shows some engagement.
Speaks clearly or with appropriate volume. Some eye contact.
Body language shows limited engagement with topic or audience. Speech unclear or quiet.
Explains how features of the product construct meaning (form, symbolism, language, visual/artistic devices) (*d)
Explains in awesome detail how their work shows creativity or personality
Explains in good detail how their work shows creativity or personality
Explains in okay detail how their work shows creativity or personality
Explains in poor detail how their work shows creativity or personality
Thinking (EN/XXC)
Very Good
Min. Acceptable
Show reflection and explores ideas and information to express self in product (*e/f)
Shows excellent reflection and explores and uses ideas and information to express self
Shows reflection and explores ideas and information to express self in product
Shows basic reflection and self-expression
Barely shows reflection or self-expression
Responsibility (EN/XXC)
Very Good
Min. Acceptable
Shows respect to others ideas and products AND contributes to the safety of the group by engaging in the activity (XXC)
Extremely respectful to peers. Puts excellent effort into the project
Very respectful to peers. Puts good effort into the project
Generally respectful to peers. Puts some effort into project.
 Somewhat respectful to peers. Puts little effort into the project.
Completes all the “Must Haves”—a draft to share, good copy, format can be posted on blog (*a) (XXC/EN)
All must haves completed with a high degree of care and engagement
All must haves completed
Draft prepared but little effort put into draft or revision. All other must haves completed.
Draft prepared but not ready to share by due date. Not a format that can be posted on blog.

Friday 20 September 2013

Media Campaign: Class 1 (Friday, Sept 20)

Steve and I have shifted the schedule to accommodate the new Grade 8 timetable. NLC will now have STEM Block C and Humanities Block D daily.

Class Outline:

  1. Check In: where is everyone at for their Express Yourself Challenge? Express Yourself Challenge: Plan/Draft Due on Tuesday! 
  2. Silent Reading
  3. Dystopian: 

  • What is it? 
  • How authors use the genre to express their concerns or critique the world they live in
     4. Mr. Yule's Grade 12 Writing Class visit.

  • In small groups, Grade 12 students will present the dystopic stories they have written. 
  • NLC students will discuss with the authors what they were trying to convey and how they tried to convey it in their writing. 
  • NLC students will give Grade 12 students feedback using the supplied rubric and "I like, I like, You might want to try."   
Depending on when Mr. Yule's class arrives, silent reading may occur at the end of class. 

Thursday 19 September 2013

Express Yourself Rubric Template

Hi class,

This is the rubric for the Express Yourself challenge. I have added the learning outcomes from the curriculum into the first column. In your expert groups, please come up with criteria for Level 1, 2, 3, and 4 for your area. We will share this with the class and develop one final rubric.

Rubric Doc

Communication (EN/XXC)
·         Finished product shows good proofreading and editing (i.e. attention to detail, and sense of individuality) (*a)
·      Plans and rehearses oral presentations (*b)
·     Uses oral communication techniques (eg. vocal techniques, style and tone, nonverbal techniques, visual aids, organizational and memory aids, monitoring methods) (*c)
·      Explains how features of the product construct meaning (e.g. form , symbolism, use of language, visual/artistic devices) (*d)
Thinking (EN/XXC)
·         Show reflection and explores ideas and information to express self in product (*e)
·         Creatively uses product form to enhance meaning and artistry, in the organization of ideas and information, and  text features or visual/artistic devices (*f)
Social and Personal Responsibility
·         Shows respect to others ideas and products AND contributes to the safety of the group by engaging in the activity (XXC)
·         Completes all the “Must Haves” (includes, a draft to share, a good copy/polished product, a format that can be posted on blog) (*a) (XXC/EN)

As you see, there are "*" with letters next to them. Those link to the curriculum text that supports these standards. You can see how I am assessing the Grade 9 English standards in this project. There are other standards that are not being assessed. I can give you that list too if you would like.

§  (*a) select and use a range of strategies to revise, edit, and publish writing and representing, including – checking work against established criteria – enhancing supporting details and examples – refining specific aspects and features of text – proofreading
§  (*b)select and use a range of strategies to prepare oral communications, including – interpreting a task and setting a purpose – considering audience – generating ideas – making connections among relevant knowledge and experiences – planning and rehearsing presentations;
§  (*c) select and use a range of strategies to express ideas and information in oral communications, including – vocal techniques – style and tone – nonverbal techniques – visual aids – organizational and memory aids – monitoring methods;
§  (*d) recognize and explain how structures and features of text shape readers’ and viewers’ construction of meaning, including – form and genre – functions of text – literary elements – literary devices – use of language – non-fiction elements – visual/artistic devices
§  (*e) create thoughtful representations that communicate ideas and information to explore and respond, engage
§  (*e) write meaningful personal texts that explore ideas and information to express self;
§  (*f) use and experiment with elements of form in writing and representing, appropriate to purpose and audience, to enhance meaning and artistry, including – organization of ideas and information – text features and visual/artistic devices


Tuesday 17 September 2013

Express Yourself!

Challenge: Develop one way of creatively expressing yourself using your strengths to symbolically represent who you are as an individual. 

Medium: You may use any form you choose.
-It must be able to be posted on your blog later (filmed, typed, photographed etc.)
-It must be a format that uses one of your creative strengths as an individual.
-It must be presented to the class. You must also share your process
-You must plan it out, refine it and make a “good copy”
e.g choreograph a dance and practice it; write, edit, and type a poem or story; design and build a
        sculpture or  machine, create a sketch and then draw or paint a separate good copy
-You must have an idea or draft to present to your peers for feedback by a certain date.

Monday 16 September 2013

Grade 9 Project Launch Details


How can we build a media campaign to express our voices to a public audience?

  • What is the difference between speaking for yourself and having others speak for you?
  • How are different viewpoints presented in the media?
  • How does the media influence concepts of self and others?
  • What are the elements of different forms of media?

Project Overview

Final Product: Create a website/blog with links to a multimedia campaign to express yourself and your community

  • Creatively express yourself (intro product)
  • KRSS newspaper: to be distributed in print and online
  • Speak Up: Create a persuasive "rant" to post to blog
  • Assess media representations of "us"
  • (something else by student demand based on brainstorming driving question)

Project Launch Videos Including Beth "Going Crazy"

Project Launch PDF
Here are some of the videos used in the Grade 8 and 9 Project Launches this week.

And the finale...

Sunday 15 September 2013

Welcome to the Northern Learning Centre!

Hi students!

I am very excited to start this year of Project Based Learning at the Northern Learning Centre (NLC) with all of you!

I have created this blog as a place you can go to get class instructions, handouts, etc. Please bookmark it and share it with your parents.


Thursday 12 September 2013

STEM 8: School Start-Up Project

Hi all,

This is the start up Project Steve and I designed. You can find the full outline on his STEM 8 blog.

STEM 8: School Start-Up Project: Project Outline,  Project Rubric,  Calculation Sheet  (sample calculation sheet)
